Downloadable materials

When you go to #HumanBE & #2h4family, you have access to ready-made graphics and texts for communication with employees and outside the company: for the media and the company’s contractors.

Take and use: press release, graphic materials with the theme of this year’s Campaign, social media graphics and content for employee emails. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for your celebration of this year’s Two Hours for Family, for Humanity campaign!!! 🙂

Press release: download file

The content of the letters, that is, all the texts you need for internal and external communication:

Pictures and graphics for you:

Read more about the new illustrations.


Press Information #2024 – soon! Be tuned 🙂


We have collected for you the AWARDED PRACTICES OF OTHER COMPANIES
Learn how small, medium and large companies celebrate #2h4family, ideas, events, activities – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION and good_practices_final_2023.pptx get inspired!

Remember that:

  • Every year we provide you with ideas for companies and for employees, read the “Inspiration” and “How to Celebrate tabs.
  • We invite you and your employees to contests. There are contests for HR: “contest for action implementation” and for employees: for a motto for action in 2025. We will announce the contests in May!
  • How are other companies doing in preparing the action? See here.
  • We have also prepared the ASK ME game – a deck of cards with non-trivial questions that help you open up in conversation and get to know the other person from an unusual side. 


Did you like our campaign?

Join the ranks of our Ambassadors and Partners – welcome!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Action Coordinator:

Katarzyna Lorenz

+48 505 017 957


The Two Hours for Family | Human movement is not the only venture of the Humanites Institute? Among our activities, you will also find an unconventional conference for women and business leaders, “Cohesive Leadership. Man and Technology.” Last year’s was devoted to quantum technologies and the issue of humanity. Want to know more? Download the report of the 9th Conference “Cohesive Leadership. Man and Technology”.