And what is your shared dream?
In many companies and organizations, workshops are held to help supervisors and the team define the mission and vision of the institution. This is done both to define the purpose of the company and to find meaning in daily work, but also to be able to effectively tell the whole world about the organization and its activities.
Although dreams and mission and vision are not the same concepts, they consist of the same essence: what you want for yourself and the world. As an individual, as a company.
Do you know that the aim of the Action is to remind people of the role and values of building interpersonal relationships, closeness to others and nurturing family ties.
We believe that through the social change that we inspire, we are able to fight the phenomenon of loneliness, which, according to many studies, leads to a deterioration of quality of life, many diseases (including depression) and, unfortunately, often to premature death*.
We believe that from good interpersonal relationships, meaning those in which we are accepted and loved, comes a lot of happiness and a sense of meaning.
*Report “The Global Risks Report 2019.” – World Economic Forum (loneliness next to climate catastrophe identified as one of the biggest threats to the world today)
The campaign is aimed at companies and institutions that address our message further to their employees. Companies, on the occasion of participation in the campaign, organize activities related to relationships and well-being (visits to children at work, lectures, trainings, competitions, integrations, trips). The symbol#2h4family/ #2h4human is the two hours that the vast majority of employers offer their employees as time off work. This gives employees an additional opportunity to take care of themselves, their loved ones and nurture relationships that are important to them. The action culminates on May 15 (International Family Day), and on this day the activities of the action participants intensify.
We observe how our action over the years strengthens families and teams in companies and has a positive impact on people’s mental and emotional health. It also influences the organizational culture in companies and makes it more family-oriented and pro-human.
The #2h4family #2h4human has been running continuously since 2012, and so far more than 3 million people from more than 2000 companies, from 59 countries, have participated.
We wish you many moments spent together nurturing relationships, preferably intergenerational!
See previous editions: 2023, 2022 ,2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Did you know?
According to the report “Well-Working. Family Responsibility of Business” 2022, prepared by the Humanites Institute, 93 percent of those surveyed feel pressure to prioritize work over private life.
Is there room for private dreams in such a reality? Together, we can change this by making workplaces more family-, people- and dream-friendly.
Download the abbreviated report “Well-Working. Family Responsibility of Business” 2022
And that’s the END!
The rest of the program points are optional, though highly encouraged!
Join us and create a Great Social Change of work culture and lifestyle together! To be together, not side by side at home and at work!
Did you know that companies from 59 countries are participating in the #24family campaign? This means that our campaign is celebrated in every third country in the world! Thousands of companies, or millions of male and female employees, along with their families, take part in the campaign.
2h4family is also an annual meeting with business. Employers – leaders and pioneers of the Great Social Change of work culture and lifestyle – are gathered around the “Two Hours for Family | for Human” campaign. See how we celebrated the successes of #2h4family #2h4human among business.
Information materials:
Wellbeing conference for business 2022
Wellbeing conference for business 2023
We all dream. Some of us about an empathetic and just world, others about a big serving of ice cream. Many of our dreams are shared with other people. If you find that you and your loved ones have similar dreams, realizing them can be a great opportunity to spend time together. Try to dream together on May 15, International Day of Families. And best of all – share your dreams with each other regularly. You’ll see for yourself how great it is for the quality of life.
And remember – The Sky is The Limit!
Inspiration from earlier editions
The most common activity chosen by companies as part of the Two Hours for Family / Human action are contests with attractive prizes. For example:
You can find more inspiration HERE.
The prizes were corporate gadgets, and if the budget allowed – gifts that prompted joint family activities – tickets to the aquapark, cinema or amusement park.
An excellent prize would also be the ASK ME cards created by the Humanites Institute!
Download the presentation
THAT will certainly come in handy for you:
As you embark on the “Two Hours for Family / Human” campaign, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Below you’ll find materials that are sure to come in handy as you create your own version of our shared adventure.
First – quotes about dreams of famous, wise, famous people:
For your channels, social media, for contests and other activities:
These are just examples of questions that teach you curiosity, cooperation, listening. You will find more in ASK ME boxes, which are not only a great way to spend time together, but also an ideal gift for your Employees.
How many pieces do I need?
We encourage you to order cards of several – a dozen pieces for your company to give as gifts to your employees. Some companies buy cards for all employees.
English edition / Language versions
The cards come in an English edition. Give them to your English-speaking employees, offer the game to your company’s foreign branch, or use them to communicate in English or teach English to your family.
Watch the movie how to play:
Pictures and graphics for you:
Read more about the new illustrations.
Press Information #2024 – soon! Be tuned 🙂
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
Action Coordinator:
Katarzyna Lorenz
+48 505 017 957
The Two Hours for Family | Human movement is not the only venture of the Humanites Institute? Among our activities, you will also find an unconventional conference for women and business leaders, “Cohesive Leadership. Man and Technology.” Last year’s was devoted to quantum technologies and the issue of humanity. Want to know more? Download the report of the 9th Conference “Cohesive Leadership. Man and Technology”.