
Once the excitement has subsided, outside of the immense joy that the project “participation of our company/organization in the #2h4family action” got the green light, some concerns may begin to emerge. What should we prepare? Where to look for ideas? How do we even go about it?


Don’t worry. The Humanites Institute is coming to you with a handful of inspiration and supporting materials. And also – with a prize for the company whose implementation of the action will appeal most to us.


This year’s motto: “Big dreams unite generations.”

Probably there is no more pleasant matter for creative animation than human dreams! Surely your Team at the very sound of this word has a thousand ideas for collective activities. But if you could use some extra inspiration to stimulate your collective imagination, we’re tossing out a handful of ideas:

  • Choose some care facility in your area. Go there for a visit and find out what the wards dream about. Then try to make their dream come true!
  • Organize a contest related to the dreams of the employed people <3
  • Prepare a family field game around this theme.
  • Organize a cooking workshop under the theme “Make your culinary dreams come true”.

And remember – The Sky is The Limit!


Inspiration from earlier editions

The most common activity chosen by companies as part of the Two Hours for Family / Human action are contests with attractive prizes. For example:

  • during the edition whose motto was “Our pets and shared moments,” the company held a contest for children of female employees for an artwork depicting an animal pet,
  • during an edition whose motto was “Generational Movie Club,” another company organized an art contest for children to create an image of their favorite movie hero.

You can find more inspiration HERE.

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  • During the edition under the slogan: “Small and big family trips”? – Awards were given to those who designed their own postcards from their favorite places in Poland.
  • In turn, the “Generational Film Club”? – Encouraged family competition for dishes inspired by favorite movies!

The prizes were corporate gadgets, and if the budget allowed – gifts that prompted joint family activities – tickets to the aquapark, cinema or amusement park.

An excellent prize would also be the ASK ME cards created by the Humanites Institute!

Download the presentation

THAT will certainly come in handy for you:

As you embark on the “Two Hours for Family / Human” campaign, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Below you’ll find materials that are sure to come in handy as you create your own version of our shared adventure.


First – quotes about dreams of famous, wise, famous people:

For your channels, social media, for contests and other activities:

  1. Dreams always conquer reality when you let them – Stanislaw Lem
  2. Making others happy is the dream of happy people – Phil Bosmans
  3. “Dreams are the engine that drives our lives, they are the impetus that helps us grow up, try, fail, make mistakes, try again, fail again, but still be happy. There is no person without dreams, small or big, just as there is no dream that cannot be fulfilled. We are all capable of great things if we believe in ourselves.” – Lodovica Comello
  4. ” – What does it take to make one’s dreams come true? Money? Luck? – Courage, my love. Above all, courage.” – Katarzyna Michalak
  5. “Sometimes the most important thing is not to fulfill your dreams, but to persistently fight for them.” – Sylwia Blach
  6. “Acting from the heart is the greatest engine for making dreams come true. – Dora Rosłońska
  7. “Nothing creates the future like dreams.” – Victor Hugo
  8. “Dreams are a necessary complement to reality, they help not only to bear it, but also to improve it. Without dreams there is no progress. To dream is to set goals. It is to overcome immobility, to reject the status quo.” – Angele Lieby
  9. “The only thing that limits us in achieving our dreams is our own imagination. Success is the result of hard work, patience, humility and the belief that everything in life is possible.” – Martyna Wojciechowska
  10. Reality is made of the same yearn as dreams.” – Władysław Stanisław Reymont
  11. „You are never too old to set a new goal or have a new dream”– C.S. Lewis
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Every year we release a new edition of cards that will work perfectly as a tool for deepening interpersonal relationships. They can be played within the family or other people close to each other, also during team-building activities at work. They contain sets of questions, loosely inspired by this year’s theme, so that players can get to know each other’s experiences, dreams, and plans better. It’s best to collect them all! Or choose the ones that appeal to you the most – with a theme from the latest edition?
A movie theme? A travel theme? The cards are bricks with which you can support the annual organization of our action. Net price: PLN 31.71 (with VAT: PLN 39.00)/pcs, see in store.

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GRAPHICS – downloadable, ready-made materials for HR and marketing:

Each year we prepare them with the current motto in mind. We provide an A4 poster, graphics for use on social media and banners of various sizes. Graphics – download HERE. We recommend sending an email/letter with information about the campaign to the people you hire. If you are looking for inspiration, we have prepared a draft letter, you can find it HERE. There is nothing to prevent your Team from preparing such a letter yourself, or to have it written personally by the Team leader.

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Every year we prepare a contest for your employees. You can win valuable prizes in it. Together with those who participate, we are looking for the motto of next year’s campaign. Encourage those who are employed to participate and follow our Facebook and Instagram profile – we will announce the next edition in May. In the previous edition, you could win a KROSS bicycle, a luxury family stay at the Bukovina Hotel, Storck Sweets… and much more!

Last year we also held an additional contest. We asked you what is most important in relationships. The main prize – a high-end smartphone – was sponsored by Orange. This year we will repeat this activity!

We also have something especially for your Team!

You may, of course, enter the program with caution. We understand and respect that! However, we encourage you to do it with a nudge. Every year we reward the team that has put the most heart into the action! More information from last year can be found here: “Awards Gala of the 2023 Action Implementation Contest”. And we will announce a new contest in May 2024.

Do you like it?

You can recommend us further. Encourage your friends from other companies to join #2h4family, send a Letter to Employers. Introduce your decision-makers to the possibility of becoming our Partner: cooperation options.

Become an Ambassador of #2h4family #2h4human – cooperation offer and information on how to join in English.

Please contact us by email: katarzyna.lorenz(at)


Do you need hard data to convince decision-makers at your company that it’s worth looking at the mental well-being of the people you employ? Here they are:

  • 54 percent of male and female employees are considering changing jobs in the near future.
  • Only 20 percent of male and female employees think their supervisor is a role model.
  • During the pandemic, probably as a result of the pro-worker changes forced by its emergence, the negative assessment of well-being in the work environment dropped from 63 percent to 36 percent.
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Want to know more?

Download the abbreviated Well-Working 2022 report.

Download the full Well-Working 2022 report.


Contact: katarzyna.lorenz(at)