Competition for Employers to implement 2h4family/4human – settled!

On October 03, the awards ceremony for the competition for the implementation of wellbeing actions for employers – #2h4family #4human took place!


Congratulations to the winners of the competition:


Polska Spółka Gazownictwa – 1st place

The jury noted that the Polish Gas Company is building an organization in which people are treated as subjects. It singled out the company for its scale and long-term wellbeing program, which integrates professional and private roles and builds a sense of community within the company.

Representatives of the Polish Gas Company with Zofia Dzik

DTA – Second place

For momentum in nurturing relationships and ties and working for inclusiveness, building empathy and openness to the other, for international integration! DTA won 2nd place in the competition for the implementation of #HumanBE! Bravo to your Team!

DTA representative tells about the company’s participation in the action

XTB – Third place

XTB won 3rd prize in the #HumanBE implementation competition for its consistent program of integrating employees’ personal and professional roles, inspiring them to take care of family and inter-employee relationships, and for its international momentum!

A representative of XTB talks about her company’s implementation of the action.


Congratulations to all the companies awarded in the competition!

  • Canal +, for creativity of ideas for organizing actions in the company and intergenerational integration, for skillfully weaving HumanBE into initiatives in the area of well-being culture, integrating professional and private life
  • Intrum, for creativity in the implementation of actions and building an organization with people at its center,
  • Zakłady Automatyki Kombud, for its long-term efforts to build a work culture and integrate the different roles of employees: professional and family,
  • Signify, for an impressive range of activities and consistent wellbeing activities with people at the center,
  • Tauron, for its long-term strategy taking into account intergenerationalism and integration of different employee roles: professional, family and social; for consistent wellbeing education and promotion of the values of diversity,
  • ZWAE, for building an organization with people at its center; for long-term efforts to promote employee wellbeing and integration of professional and personal roles.

We would also like to thank the other companies for participating. We honored you because you are doing very interesting activities and we are cheering you on in their development!

  • Centrum Rozwoju Szkół Wyższych MERITO,for fostering the spirit of a culture of well-being at universities,
  • PCPR Nowy Tomyśl,for popularizing the integration of employees working in the social welfare sector,
  • Lekam,for fostering the spirit of welfare culture and intergenerational integration.
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This year we will also present diplomas to the Ambassadors of the HumanBE campaign – Two Hours for Family/Human!

Congratulations to the companies that have made us circle the Earth and are present on almost all continents!

  • Kone,
  • Genpact,
  • XTB,
  • Comarch,
  • Intrum.
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The award ceremony was held during the conference for Employers: “Loneliness, Labor Market, Innovation. Man and Business in a World of AI.

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The Humanites Institute estimates that the beneficiaries of the #2h4family action, which in recent years has evolved into the Global Movement for Great Social Change of work culture and lifestyle, are already 3,000,000 female employees.

The employers – leaders and pioneers of the Great Social Change of work culture and lifestyle – are gathered around the “HumanBE – Two Hours for Family | for Man” action.

Do you want to take part in a wellbeing action for companies and organizations?

We invite companies interested in joining the Two Hours for Family/Humanity campaign to contact us:

+48 505 017 957

See you there!
Humanites Institute Team