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2022 edition: leitmotif for this year Global Social Movement #2h4family: “Fr the Family and Human being” and Our Pupils and Shared Moments.

It’s the 11th edition of the Two Hours for Family/Human Person campaign. We are changing the leitmotif for this year.

Our initiative to bring people together at home and work has a different theme every year. We build a narrative around it, encouraging the intergenerational discovery of each other in the work environment and in our families. This year’s theme was “Our Pupils and Shared Moments.” It won a competition for a theme for the year #2022. Usually, the theme chosen in the round guided the campaign for the following year.

We dedicated our campaign to Family and Human persons.

Due to the russian invasion of Ukraine, the world changed almost overnight for many people and families. In this challenging time of war in our neighborhood, the support we receive from loved ones is essential, as is our support for others. Poles have passed the exam of humanity by providing help and hosting refugees from Ukraine.

These fundamental issues have always been at the root of the “2 Hours for Family/ For Human”. We decided to return to the original meaning of our action and bring back this cardinal but straightforward idea this year. It is essential to share good emotions, take care of family bonds, and show affection and empathy to each other on these sad days. Therefore, this year we abandoned the motto with pets as the watchword to build the activities of the #2h4family campaign. That doesn’t mean we won’t talk about pets this year. After all, our pets are full members of our families, good friends. They encourage us to be active, shape our sense of responsibility and care and strengthen our bonds..


#2h4family is Humanites’ proven idea for 11 years, to bring people together at work and in families, building a high culture of work and engagement!

It promotes a culture of well-being, where business achieves its goals, and people find meaning! By joining our action – on May 15th, the International Day of Families, you need to:

It promotes a culture of well-being, where business achieves its goals, and people find meaning! By joining our action – on May 15th, the International Day of Families, you can:

  • Shorten your working day by 2 hours. Consider the mode of joining the action: a potential reduction of working time on May 15th or another corresponding date.
  • Above all, encourage your team to spend this time with their loved ones, preferably intergenerationally! The main objective of #2h4family is to inspire you and your employees to dedicate this day to their families. Let’s foster good conversation, get to know each other, or search together for your Family’s roots. Let this time strengthen intergenerational bonds in families, the work environment, and our immediate social environment..
  • Use our inspirations to suggest several ideas for activities with your Family to your employees!
  • Please send us information on the campaign’s implementation in your company: pictures, examples of ideas, and activities you used to enrich the celebrations.

“2h4family” is a great way to support employees in combining their professional and private roles. It builds a culture where employees are seen as integral human beings and not only human resources.


Additional elements of the #2h4Family campaign include:

  • Participation in competitions: for Employers and Employees – will be published on the website and on our social media feeds: FB 2h4family, FB FundacjaHumanites
  • Buy ASKME cards – it’s family or team game where we experience teamwork and joy. We build relationships and share experiences. Questions make us discover anew, we open up, we get closer to each other. The cards inspire interesting conversations. The cards are “bricks” for the next edition of the campaigniGN.

We are proud that many great personalities have supported our actions over the past years. Our campaign has involved, among others: Andrzej Seweryn, Roma Gąsiorowska, and Kamil Stoch, Stanisław Sojka, Professor Jerzy Bralczyk or the extraordinary DJ Wika. We also recall with emotion the support we received a few years ago from Mr. Zbigniew Wodecki.

Employees highly value the #2h4family Hours action! It appears in the top 10 benefits indicated in nationwide employee satisfaction surveys (in Poland). The campaign strengthens families and teams within companies. It also positively impacts people’s mental and emotional health.

In recent years, #2h4family has evolved into a Global Social Movement that brings people together! More than one million employees and 1100 companies from 18 countries are already participating.

How to celebrate the International Day of Families?
Let’s reminisce together!

Completed materials for use in your corporate communications:

  • texts, graphics and posters to promote the action in the company (including texts of emails to employees, communications, PR, etc.), download the materials for the Employer from the “Communication Package”

Take part in our competitions: for Employees and for Employers!

  • Competition for the realization of the action – for Employers: subpage with information , we have closed the applications, we invite you next year!
  • Competition for Employees – answer what is most important to you in your relationships with loved ones (completed)
  • Competition for Employees (ended) – find out what the task was and take part next year: Competition for the motto of the action

Let’s reminisce together!

  1. What did you most enjoy playing with your parents or grandparents when you were little?
  2. Think back together with your family. What was the first party you went to – talk about the circumstances of its organization, who was there, what you did?
  3. Everyone has a favorite song – what is the favorite song of children and parents? And grandparents?
  4. A unique delicacy from childhood – what was it? And what was the most delicious thing for your parents and grandparents?
  5. Talk about friends: who was your first best friend? Ask family members about their friends from years past.
  6. Talk about what animals have accompanied you since you were little: what was the name of mom’s favorite childhood puppy, or maybe a family member was once chased by a rooster?
  7. What was an iconic item that you dreamed of? Was it a gadget or maybe a piece of clothing?
  8. Do you know what the happiest day in the lives of your grandparents/parents/children was?
  9. What did your parents wear? And your grandparents? What was in vogue then, and what is now?

Talk about your school years::

  1. What is/was your favorite subject at school, and why? How do your parents/grandparents/siblings remember school?
  2. Think about who had the strictest teacher; what subject did they teach?
  3. What did you play during breaks at school?
  4. What were your school trips like? Tell your children about it.
  5. Worst day at school. What was the best day? – Tell each other about these situations.

Laugh together!

  1. Tell each other what the best/funniest prank you ever pulled on someone was?
  2. What was the strangest thing you have ever eaten? – share these stories with your relatives!
  3. Ask family members: what is their funniest childhood memory?
  4. And if you had a chance to meet your ancestors, what would you like to ask them, what would you like to tell them?
  5. Have you ever made a culinary mistake? Tell your friends and family about it.
  6. Do you remember the mischief of your family’s puppy or funny places where the cat liked to sleep? Or maybe there are other stories about mischievous pets in your family? Please share them!
  7. Ask family members reliably makes them smile? Try to make them laugh.

Reflections and dreams:

  1. Be a happy, fulfilled person – talk about this with your loved ones – what does this mean to them?
  2. Tell yourselves – what are you most grateful for?
  3. Talk about whether you prefer to have everything planned or to act spontaneously?
  4. Have you had a failure/setback that worked out for the best? – Share it with your loved ones.
  5. Do you still dream? What dreams do you have now? Ask your parents/grandparents about this.
  6. Talk about your dream vacation. Have you been able to have such a vacation?

This year, let’s be together on May 15, not “side by side”!

Let this day become a day to reflect on the quality of our relationships with our loved ones.
Let’s stop for a moment and look at ourselves and our families.
Let’s ask ourselves: When did I last learn something new about my loved ones? When did we last do something together?

We invite you to the Family Game: ASK ME!
ASK ME is an integrative game that involves all family members and friends at work. Answer questions, teach curiosity, cooperation, listening, and shaping empathetic attitudes.
Strengthen intergenerational bonds with your family and get to know each other better at work! More information: “ASK ME Cards.”

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Order ASK ME cards


Choose ASK ME card edition

Play ASK ME cards!!

It is an integrative game that involves all family members and friends at work. Answer questions that teach curiosity, cooperation, listening, and empathy. Strengthen intergenerational ties with your family and get to know each other better.

The ASK ME game is an opportunity to touch on topics that we do not discuss every day in a fun and original way.

Everyday communication is based on discussing current events. It does not include naming our deepest feelings and desires. We lack time to reminisce and dream together, and often it’s not even about time but about the proper context, the opportunity to talk. For example, asking adolescent children about their dreams may be a challenge. How should we phrase the question so that they want to answer it?

It is also possible to customize the card box – with the company’s logo added.

Detailed information and orders: Agata Gajewska, +48 502 319 350, agata.gajewska(at)humanites.pl

Read more about ASK ME

  • Time is one of the most precious resources; there is always not enough of it, we are always in a hurry, and the most important things we often put off for later. We have many roles, responsibilities, interests, and other commitments. We cannot stretch time, but we can take care of its quality.
  • Questions make us rediscover, open up and get closer to each other. The cards inspire exciting conversations at home and work! In ASK ME, curiosity dictates the terms: What inspires my husband? What does my wife feel? How is my son? What does the world look like through the eyes of my daughter? What does my grandfather long for? What does my grandmother long for? What does my colleague in the department dream about? What does my boss remember?
  • The card tasks are an invitation to play together as a family or as a team, where we experience cooperation and joy, build relationships, share experiences and collect common experiences.


  • Improved self-knowledge
  • Developing self-awareness
  • Exercising communication
  • Developing cooperation

ASK ME cards are an excellent gift for employees and their families! On International Families Day, you can gift them not only 2 hours but also this game! We will be releasing a new edition of Cards #2022 soon!

How many pieces do I need?
We encourage you to order several cards for your company to give as gifts to your teams. One deck of cards costs only 33 PLN!

Language versions
The cards are available in English. Give them to your foreign-speaking employees, offer to play in a foreign branch of your company, or use them to communicate in English or learn English with your family.


We invite you to download graphics and materials accompanying the #2h4family campaign #2022. Please, publish them on your channels, send them to your employees, share them with your business partners:

Letters – texts:

Letter for employers: download file
Letter for employees: download file

Pictures, banners, poster:

ALL GRAPHICS: download zip
poster A4: download file
social media picture 2000×2000: download file
banner 750×200: download file
banner 1700×1100: download file
banner 1600 x 800: download file
banner 1800×600: download file
banner 1531×500: download file
small banner 320×200: download file
Do you like our campaign?
Join the circle of our Ambassadors and Partners – welcome!

Become a partner of the action 2h4Family, an offer of cooperation: download file
Become an Ambassador of 2h4Family, a Global Social Movement: download file
Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to answer any questions.

#2h4Family is coordinated by:
Katarzyna Lorenz
+48 505 017 957




#2h4family to sprawdzony od 11 lat pomysł Humanites, na zbliżanie ludzi w pracy i w rodzinach, budujący wysoką kulturę pracy i zaangażowania. To propagowanie kultury dobrostanu, w której biznes realizuje swoje cele, a ludzie odnajdują sens!

15 maja – Międzynarodowy Dzień Rodzin – to doskonała okazja, aby na chwilę zatrzymać się i zastanowić, kiedy po raz ostatni dowiedzieliście się czegoś nowego o swoich bliskich. Taka idea przyświeca globalnemu ruchowi społecznemu Dwie Godziny dla Rodziny. Głęboko wierzymy w to, że ciekawość, uważność i dobre rozmowy są tym, co tworzy prawdziwe, autentyczne więzi. Zachęcamy więc Was, abyście wsparli w tym Waszych pracowników i podarowali im symboliczne dwie godziny, które oni przeznaczą na magiczny czas z najbliższymi.

Oto jak się włączyć w naszą akcję:

  • Zarejestrujcie firmę, do 15 maja: Formularz rejestracji
  • Skrócenie dnia pracy o symboliczne „Dwie Godziny”. Zastanówcie się nad podarowaniem tych dwóch godzin 15 maja lub w innym korespondującym z tą datą terminie. To nie jest obowiązkowe, choć 90% pracodawców skraca ten dzień. Wiele firm przekłada celebrowanie przysłowiowych 2 godzin na inne „rodzinne” dni, są to to na przykład: 1 września albo 1 czerwca. Często też inny „elastyczny” termin wynika ze specyfiki działania organizacji.
  • Namówcie Wasz Zespół do spędzenia tego czasu z bliskimi i to najlepiej międzypokoleniowo! Głównym celem #2h4family jest zainspirowanie Państwa i Państwa pracowników, aby ten dzień zadedykować dobrej rozmowie, wspomnieniom, poznawaniu się czy wspólnym poszukiwaniu tożsamości swojej Rodziny. Ten czas służy wzmacnianiu międzypokoleniowych więzi w rodzinach, w środowisku pracy, w naszym najbliższym społecznym otoczeniu.
  • Skorzystajcie z gotowych inspiracji, pomysłów i materiałów w zakładkach: Do pobrania, Jak celebrować.
  • Prześlijcie nam informację o sposobie realizacji kampanii w Waszej firmie: zdjęcia, przykłady pomysłów i aktywności, którymi Państwo wzbogaciliście świętowanie.

W ten sposób Wy, jako Pracodawca, Dział HR wspieracie pracowników w łączeniu ról zawodowych i prywatnych: budując kulturę, w której zatrudniamy człowieka, widząc go niego holistycznie, a nie tylko jako pracownika.

Dodatkowe elementy akcji #2h4Family to:

  • Udział w konkursach: dla Pracodawców i Pracowników – będą ogłaszane na stronie i na naszych kanałach w mediach społecznych: FB 2h4family, FB undacjahumanites
  • Zakup kart ASKME – to rodzinna lub zespołowa zabawa, w której doświadczamy współpracy i radości. Budujemy relacje i dzielimy się doświadczeniem. Pytania sprawiają, że odkrywamy na nowo, otwieramy się, zbliżamy się do siebie. Karty inspirują do ciekawych rozmów.
    Karty są „cegiełkami” na kolejną edycję akcji

Jesteśmy dumni, że na przestrzeni ostatnich lat nasze działania wsparło wiele znakomitych osobowości. W naszą akcję zaangażowali się między innymi: Andrzej Seweryn, Roma Gąsiorowska, i Kamil Stoch, Stanisław Sojka, Profesor Jerzy Bralczyk czy niezwykła DJ Wika. Ze wzruszeniem wspominamy także wsparcie, którego nam udzielił kilka lat temu Pan Zbigniew Wodecki.

Akcja Dwie Godziny dla Rodziny jest bardzo ceniona przez pracowników! pojawia się w top 10 benefitów wskazywanych w ogólnopolskich badaniach satysfakcji pracowników. Kampania nie tylko wzmacnia rodziny i zespoły w firmach, ma także pozytywny wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne i emocjonalne ludzi, a w efekcie działa na całe społeczeństwo.

W ostatnich latach #2h4family zmienia się w Globalny Ruch Społeczny na Rzecz Bliskości! Uczestniczy w niej już ponad milion pracowników, 1100 firm z 18 krajów.